Sunday, November 18, 2018

Coding: Interland Online Safety Game & "Code a Hero" with Scratch

1. Play the Interland game - print 4 certificates.
2. Code a story or game about someone in your life that you consider an everyday hero. 
An everyday hero is someone that is  kind, caring, supportive or encouraging. 
They can be a friend,  pet, parent/grandparent, coach, or teacher. 

Start by opening a starter project in Scratch and watch instructional videos to program your own story or game.
sign in here class code is:yw3ydf
  • Parallelism: The process of events occurring simultaneously, either independently or interdependently.
  • Debugging: The process of identifying and fixing errors in a program that is not functioning as expected.
  • Control structure: Sections of code that order the direction or flow of how a program functions. The control structure in this activity is focused on loops.
  • Variable: The process of storing a value, so it can be retrieved and used by the program at any time.