Sunday, September 9, 2018

2D - 3D Printed Drawings

3D Print Terminology
extruderextrudes filament to draw out the layers of your 3D prints. The “hot glue gun” of your 3D printer.
filamentMaterial used t build 3D printed parts
PLApolylactic Acid, a common type of filament.
purge LineStraight line drawn across the front of the build plate at the start of ever print.

  • Make a sketch of a drawing in a square or circle you want to 3D print.
  • Fill line drawing in with Sharpie. What is black will be printed. What is white will be air. 
  • Upload your drawing in Morphi after watching the video. Clean up with the eraser tool.
  • Make 5 versions and pick your best to print.
  • Air Drop to my iPad after you check with me and it will be 3D printed.