Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Home School/Online Digital Art Class: Week 3 Coronavirus 3D Art

Made with Padlet

- Your 3D print assignment with Tinkercad, this week is to make a 3D project about the coronavirus. It could be a mask you design, the actual coronavirus. a coronavirus kid wearing a mask, coronavirus car, coronavirus pin... whatever you think of and make in Tinkercad. It will be printed when it is finished. Take your time and make something with lots of detail.

You can also make a fidget spinner of your own design.
comic book template
 You can make a mini comic book as the art classes are making right now. 
Make a comic about the virus with a happy ending.
The comic should have at least 3 characters,
On a piece of paper draw the 3 characters and upload to Artsonia.
Print the comic book template or make your own mini comic following one of the direction in the videos below. It should be about 12 pages..