Saturday, October 12, 2019

Digital Collage & Collage Drawing from your Scratch-book Slides

  1. From the digital scrapbook you created with slides you are now going to make a collage & collage drawing with Google Drawing.
  2. SAVE YOUR COLLAGE AS: “your name“ photo collage
  3. Pick several pictures (at least 5 or more) from your scrapbook and use in a pleasing arrangement in your collage. 
  4.  (no rectangle pictures in this collage) 
  5. Photographs should cover the entire page.
  6. Have one text art word. (3 words at most - no sentences)
  7. One picture at an angle for a more interesting composition.
  8. Upload to Artsonia, write a statement and submit for credit.
  9.  Send to me to be color printed.
  10. EXTRA CREDIT: Crop your picture into an arrow or a different shape.
  1. Make a copy of your collage as a new Google Drawing document. 
  2. SAVE YOUR COLLAGE DRAWING AS: ”your name” - drawing collage.
  3. Trace your photographs
  4. Add color.
  5. Upload to Artsonia, write a statement and submit for credit.
  6. I will color print your drawing. You will use your drawing to make a 3D print and web design.